Thursday, September 4, 2014

Much Mature. Such Comix. Very Serious.

As stated in Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott Mcloud, comics are a vessel that can hold variations of ideas and images like any other books. However, the content presented in the comics are produced by the authors themselves, whom all have different tastes. So the reason we think that comics are not mature is because we mistook the immaturity of the stories created by the authors for the comic books themselves,which led us to believe that comic books are not suitable for mature stories.

Marjane Satrapi took a harder route by producing her autobiography in The Complete Persepolis as a comic book. Moreover, Marjane Satrapi did not even try to withhold printing mature contents onto her seemingly innocent comic book, some topics have heated debates around the world but caused even more chaos back in Iran, Marjane Satrapi's hometown. Most of us did what Scott Mcloud told us not to do: mistake the message for the messenger; this is similar to blaming Gmail for sending spam mails. Overall, The Complete Persepolis pushed aside stereotypes about comic books' immature content and managed to tell a serious story of her hardship through abusive authorities in Iran and her difficulties blending in with society in Austria.

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