Monday, January 19, 2015


My idea of a perfect relationship is when I can be comfortable with my partner and enjoy spending time with him or her. I realize a lot of people struggle and stress over achieving the perfect relationship, which I believe is unnecessary. If we do not enjoy being with our partners during a relationship, then what is the point of being in one? The funny thing is I have never been in a serious relationship, yet. If I ever find a boyfriend or a girlfriend, I look forward to having a good time being myself instead of trying to recreate a romantic atmosphere.

Relationships are very important to me not because it proves my worth in society or my social status, but it means my heart has made a connection with a potential soulmate. It is also the stage before marriage so I consider potential mates very strictly and seriously. I don’t look for someone solely based on their attractiveness, but also someone who has a charismatic personality.

However, relationships these days have lost its meanings and significance. A plethora of people I have witnessed think of relationships as a temporary pleasure seeker, which honestly disgusts me. One thing I have realized about relationships is that a lot of people believe physical intimacy is a bigger priority over emotional intimacy. Sex is a beautiful life miracle, but it is abused way too much, especially when no emotional connections are made prior to the happy times.
Break ups are even worse, especially when the couple has invested so much time and effort to maintain that relationship. I have noticed that less serious couples who break up go through less emotional pain and heart break than serious relationship couples. It means that someone’s heart has invested in the relationship but the separation made him or her feel robbed of something very dear.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Albert I didn't know you felt this way about the whole relationship thing. I have to admit that I personally agree with your views about relationships and its cool to see that I'm not the only one who thinks relationships should be special. Great job.
