Wednesday, October 22, 2014

In the Presence of the Father's Fury

The confidence from before

Disintegrated in an instant

In the presence of my father

The one who holds absolute dominance over me

The one who leads and supports the family

I try to speak but my words fail me

The constricted throat squeezes my explanations

I manage to mumble out incoherent sentences

Words returned in an angry tone

Demanding me to speak up

I feel tears about to come out

I put in more effort to raise my voice

He replies in a thunderous voice that pierces my ears

I look down in terror wondering

Why my quiet voice is referred to as a bad habit.

Why do I fear him?

Is it because he scolds me with words of severity?

But then I realized he was only trying to correct my wrongdoings

To make sure I don’t make the same mistakes twice

As the harsh words slaps my face multiple times

I can feel it

Behind every word is love

He is disciplining me out of love

But then I wonder

Would he discipline me the same way if he didn’t love me?

1 comment:

  1. This poem really captures your emotions as you go through this experience. I have gone through similar experiences multiple times, so I know your pain. I think that the reason you feel on the verge of tears is not because he is severely disciplining you, but because you are sad that you disappointed him. Bonds between family members are extremely weird things.
